Monday, February 29, 2016

Like a lily among the thorns, so is my darling among the maidens

På tal om 2015-favoriter så undrar ni säkert över mina romancefavoriter. Här:

Rekommenderar åt alla.  

Trade Me och Simon har jag bloggat om tidigare men A Lily Among Thorns har jag inte alls nämnt och det är ju en katastrof. För den är verkligen alldeles, alldeles underbar.


Lady Serena Ravenshaw is one of London’s most prosperous women, but she’s never forgotten the misery that set her on the path to success. Nor has she forgotten the drunken young gentleman who gave her the means to start her long, tortuous climb out of the gutter.

Min Goodreads-"recension":

"A heroine who is a powerful businesswoman (and an ex-whore) and a blushing, scripture-quoting chemist hero. And spies and rubies and feminism and I never wanted this to end!!!"

Jag gillar de omvända könsrollerna förstås.

She slammed her fist down on his worktable so hard Solomon had to leap forward to save his muriate of tin from an untimely end. He frowned at her, and she glared unrepentantly back.
"Serena, calm down. I'm not going to do anything rash. I was only saying-"
"Then don't say it," she said harshly, "because if I have to go collect your body from God knows where, I will be seriously displeased."
She was fighting for him now. He couldn't help it. He smiled at her.


PS. Samhain Publishing kommer tyvärr att lägga ner sin verksamhet och idag den 29nde har de 40% på allt. Så idag är en bra dag att köpa A Lily Among Thorns (e-boken)


Sofia Fritzson said...

Tack för tipset! Laddade hem den sistnämnda för 9 kr :)

Fridolina said...

Yay, perfekt! :)

Computer Repairs Bryan said...

Great blog you have herre