Viktigt meddelande till fellow flickboksfanatiker: visste ni att L.M. Montgomery förutom böckerna om Anne på Grönkulla också har skrivit en bok om en ogift 29-årig kvinna som bestämmer sig för att ge fan i sina rädslor, sina släktingars förväntningar och folks åsikter och ge sig ut och skapa sig ett eget liv precis så som hon vill ha det?
Valancy Stirling har hittills alltid gjort vad som förväntats av henne och i fantasin drömt sig bort till sitt blåa slott.
" Most, if not all, of the Stirlings would have died of horror if they had known half the things Valancy did in her Blue Castle.
For one ting she had quite a few lovers in it. Oh, only one at a time. One who wooed her with all the romantic ardour of the age of chivalry and won her after long devotion and many deeds of derring-do, and was wedded to her with pomp and circumstance in the great, banner-hung chapel of the Blue Castle.
At twelve, this lover was a fair lad with golden curls and heavenly blue eyes. At fifteen, he was tall and dark and pale, but still necessarily handsome. At twenty, he was ascetic, dreamy, spiritual. At twenty-five, he had a clean-cut jaw, slightly grim, and a face strong and rugged rather than handsome. Valancy never grew older than twenty-five in her Blue Castle, but recently - very recently - her hero had had reddish, tawny hair, a twisted smile and a mysterious past.
I don't say Valancy deliberately murdered these lovers as she outgrew them. One simply faded away as another came. Things are very convenient in this respect in Blue Castles. "
En uppskakande händelse får henne att ta sitt liv i egna händer och gå ut och söka sitt blåa slott.
Lite förutsägbar och sockersöt men väldigt charmig!
" Fear is the original sin. Almost all of the evil in the world has its origin in the fact that some one is afraid of something. It is a cold slimy serpent coiling about you. It is horrible to live with fear; and it is of all things degrading. "
Boken är från 1926 och man borde kunna hitta gratis e-versioner. Den verkar inte finnas översatt till svenska.
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