The Blue Screen. Is visiting upon me. More often than what can really be healthy. Måste se det positiva! Jag har kanske inte en fungerande dator, kamera eller telefon - men min ipod är still going strong! Och så har jag en fin blå vårkappa (moroccan blue säger Amina, jag skulle säga mer bluescreen blue faktiskt...). ♥
Hang in there! Rescue is on the way! ;)
Otherwise as a physicist you probably already knew that the best way to accelerate your computer is at 9,81m/sec2...! ;D
Looks like contemporary art =) You should make it bigger, print it and bring to Kiasma. Then convince people that this is the most outstanding art object they've ever seen then sell it and buy a new computer, mobile, few more blue hats and train ticket to Moscow! =)
Oh, förlåt - moroccan blue =)))
Confident, are we? ;) Heh, deeju sant! Men nu är det så att jag är väldigt fäst vid min Elliott och har int alls nån lust att leka Newtons lagar med honom :/
YES! GREAT business plan! And then I'll make cute little magnets of it and sell them for 14,90€ in the Kiasma Shop!! :D
At which stage do you then take over the world?
After we've taken over Europe and before we take over the Universe.
Now we know who started the volcano thing =)
No no, the volcano was just a giant insurance scam. Think about it, first they go bankrupt and then they set their island on fire.
Frida, do you have any more precise timetable? Today, this week, next year... :)
Yes "the volcano thing" was definitely part of my master plan..;)
This week I'm quite busy but let's see in a couple of weeks there might be a few gaps, for world takeover and such...;)
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