Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 24: A song you liked in high school

A song I loved in high school, and still do:

Min teenage crush #1 är nog Relationship of Command, At the Drive-Ins sista album. Vi är fortfarande nyförälskade, det är helt otroligt.

Annan musik från min högstadietid: Teenage kicks right through the night


Himmelske Danser said...

Oh, this is definitely songs I would love in high school, esp. the last year!

Himmelske Danser said...

And cool playlist! But it all started for me only in uni...wait, but I was only 17 then, so it's the same time I guess =) and then - internet, bless it =)

Fridolina said...

I interpreted high school as "högstadiet", so it's more like 13-15. It's a different system anyway so I just chose this time because I thought it was the most interesting ;)

Mmhm, I'm so very proud of my "Frida 14 playlist"!! ;)